
Mozart, Ginaster & Ugarte

Mozart, Ginaster & Ugarte

The works of two Argentine composers of the twentieth century converge in this recital of the duo integrated by the violinist Gustavo Mulé and the pianist Paula Peluso. The first one is the Pampeana No. 1 of Alberto Ginastera (1916-1983), recognized as one of the most important composers of America in the twentieth century. Disciple of Aaron Copland, his work is usually divided into three aesthetic periods: a first objective nationalism in which elements of Argentine folklore appear, then a subjective nationalism, where these elements appear no longer literal, but transformed according to the personal intentions of the musician, and finally a neo-expressionism already removed from all folkloric tradition. The three works composed by Alberto Ginastera with the title of Pampeanas (the first of 1947, the second of 1950 for violoncello and piano, and the third of 1954 for orchestra) theme the landscape of the Argentine Pampa, as a determining element of the gaucho myth and of the historical identity of Argentina.

Much less frequented than Ginastera, Floro Meliton of the Sacred Heart Ugarte Rivero (1884-1975) was also an important composer and pedagogue. His music, close to the nationalist movement, is characterized by the use of very simple structures, often reworking melodies and rhythms characteristic of Argentine folklore. Educated at the Paris Conservatory, like many of his contemporaries, he was a disciple of Gabriel Fauré. His first instrument was a mandolin, but later he leaned towards the violin, something that is noticeable in the works he composed for this instrument.

"For me music is like a religion. Music is the art that comes closest to God. It is universal, and the composition is the starting point. Then, the sounds say nothing; It is the way they are said. Naturally, music is written and then executed; Without a creation, the instruments could do absolutely nothing. Composer and performer are two forms for a single function. Sometimes the creator can execute his own works, but as he must spend many hours writing, unfortunately he neglects a little the study of the instrument ".

Here the interpretation is in the hands of two notable instrumentalists, who complete the program with a classic work of the international collection: the Sonata in Sol Mayor Kv. 301 by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart.


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  • Gustavo Mulé (violín), Paula Peluso (piano)

  • Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart: Sonata en Sol Mayor Kv. 301/293a; Alberto Ginastera: Pampeana Nº 1 para violín y piano; Floro Ugarte: Sonata para violín y piano en Re menor.

  • Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Alberto Ginastera, Floro Ugarte

  • 00:46:51

  • Usina del Arte, Buenos Aires